You may be charged with a drug crime if law enforcement finds you in possession of a controlled substance, chemicals used to manufacture drugs or drug paraphernalia. If you're caught with marijuana, heroin, cocaine or methamphetamine, you'll need to hire a zealous drug crime defense attorney. The Law Office of Michelle Mays is here for your after a drug possession charge in Austin, TX.
If you want to gain a better understanding of your legal options after a drug possession charge, contact an experienced drug crime defense attorney by calling 512-236-1600 right away.
When dealing with a drug possession case, prosecutors have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you knew the drug was a controlled substance and that you knew you were in possession of the controlled substance. In order to increase your chances or a dropped or reduced charge, The Law Office of Michelle Mays will build a strong defense and represent your best interests vigorously.
Contact attorney Mays today to schedule your legal consultation in Austin, TX.